Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Blogger: Misc. Ramblings & Findings :: Blog Locked

Blogger: Misc. Ramblings & Findings :: Blog Locked

Starting last night 3/21/06 I had to enter in one of those word verification thingies before being able to post, it seems they thought I was a spam blog because my blog was/is recognized by its irrelevant, repetitive, or nonsensical text, along with a large number of links, usually all pointing to a single site. Not sure what single site my blog points to. But I agree it's certainly nonsensical and has link after link. ?? Isn't that what blogs are all about?

Blogger's spam-prevention robots have detected that your blog has characteristics of a spam blog. (What's a spam blog?) Since you're an actual person reading this, your blog is probably not a spam blog. Automated spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and we sincerely apologize for this false positive.
Before we can turn off mandatory word verification on your posts we'll need to have a human review your blog and verify that it is not a spam blog. Please fill out the form below to get a review.

As with many powerful tools, blogging services can be both used and abused. The ease of creating and updating webpages with Blogger has made it particularly prone to a form of behavior known as link spamming. Blogs engaged in this behavior are called spam blogs, and can be recognized by their irrelevant, repetitive, or nonsensical text, along with a large number of links, usually all pointing to a single site.

And while I'm glad they check for these kind of things, I'd rather they spend the time fixing the photo upload problem that seems to be plaguing us at the moment. It's really frustrating to have to drill for the image and go thru the post procedure over and over until it finally says DONE and it actually posts the image. Ain't technology grand?

[update 3/22/06]
Your blog has been reviewed, verified, and whitelisted so that it will nolonger appear as potential spam. If you sign out of Blogger and sign backin again, you should be able to post as normal. Thanks for your patience,and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
Blogger Support

[great team there, and the pictures are posting better!]

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